An order begins with you committing to make the purchase and sending an invoice request to:
You will receive an invioce in response. Sometimes it might take up to 24 hours, but usually it will be much faster. When the PayPal invoice is received, simply pay the amount listed and your order will be complete.
When placing your order, be sure to make the PayPal money transfer in U. S. currency and to include the following in the "note" area:
your name
your email address
the mailing address to which the book/combo-pack should be sent
the name of the combo-pack you have chosen to purchase (e.g., COPPER EDITION)
the name of the person to whom the book should be dedicated (if you would like a signed copy)
Clicking on the "Order" buttons for each level that follows will not automatically place an order. It just takes you to PayPal's website. You will have to log-in (or create an account) and then choose "Send & Request" from the top dashboard menu on PayPal. Once in the "Send" sub-menu, type the email address <> into the box, give PayPal a moment to search for us, then click "Next" and follow the directions to send the correct payment amount and the answer to the five questions above.
If you have any questions, contact us on the CONTACT page on this website.